Tuesday, October 25, 2016

week 8

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Dedication Ceremony
of the
Edward J. Goddard Playground
at Delaney School

Students that are being  dropped off or picked up in office during  the school day due to unforeseen circumstances...
Please plan to pick up your student at their respective office!

Grades 2 and 3  at the Janelli Annex Office (Mrs. Dumas)

Pre-K, K and 1 Delaney Office (Mrs. Rando, Mrs. Goddard)

Please direct any bus plan requests to the office staff, Mrs. Rando and/or Mrs. Goddard. 


Reminder: Bus drivers will not let Kindergarten students off without seeing an adult. Students in grades 1-3 will be allowed off the bus without an adult.

Bus Safety Issue

If your child misses the bus, under no circumstances should you drive your car behind the bus and attempt to have your children board after running along the side. Children who miss the bus need to be driven to school, please!

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Grade 3 MCAS 2017 TENTATIVE schedule  
General Window-4/3-5/26/2017
Specific Grade 3 dates are 5/2-5/3-5/16-5/17

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A Note from the office!

If your little cherub is sick for a day or two, there is no need to notify us by phone.  You could send an email to the teacher if you'd like.

A Note to Preschool Parents!!!

We have openings in our 2 day Preschool PM class, 
Please call the Delaney office for more information 
at 508-384-5430

Buckets are located in the cafeteria!

Please send in your box tops!  Our school earns "free" money!

We are not collecting plastic bags anymore!


 Halloween Party!  

 Friday October 28th
PreK-Grade 1
6:00-8:00 PM
(Parent must attend with child)    

The coat boxes are in the Delaney and Annex Lobbies!!

Please donate your non-perishables in any school lobby!



New Playground
Frequently Asked Questions

What were the major priorities of the playground committee?

The committee’s goal was to create a space where ALL of the Delaney students could play together and that the space was inclusive and accessible to meet the needs of all students. The focus was on enriched play that enhances recess fun with physical, social, cognitive, and sensory experiences. 

Who was on the playground committee?

The voluntary and open committee was comprised of parents, teachers, community members, School Committee member, WEST and PTO representatives, school administrators including superintendent, principal, student services director, business manager, school nurse, and maintenance director.

How was the decision made what equipment was purchased?

Many companies sent information and plans. The final two sent proposals and these were evaluated by the committee and compared and contrasted until consensus was reached.

How was the individual equipment chosen?

Equipment was chosen based on the amount available to spend combined with the ability to have different experiences for students as well as multiple users.

What were the major expenses of the project?

The major expenses consisted of equipment purchase, excavation of the land, sub surface materials, Pour and Play surfacing, regulated wood chip surfacing, installation of all of the mentioned, Also included were replacement parts for the existing playground upgrade and new swing mats.

Why were there so many fundraisers?

This project required substantial resources that are not a part of the regular operating school budget.

Why is the new playground so close to the preschool and original playground?

The layout of the new play space was chosen to minimize grading and filling and thus saving costs. It also keeps play in one area to make for better supervision of students.

How are students reacting to the playground?

The students are excited and happy about being able to play together and discover new challenges at recess!

What is School Committee?

The Wrentham School Committee is responsible for setting Policies for the District and approving the District Budget on an annual basis.  The School Committee is responsible for hiring and supervising the Superintendent of the Wrentham Public Schools.  In private business terms, the School Committee is the Board of Directors of the District and the day-to-day operations of the District are operated by the Superintendent and his Administrative team.  The Committee consists of 5 Members, each elected for staggered 3 year terms in the annual April Town elections.  

Next Meeting:  Tuesday November 15, 2016
Open to the Public! 

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Thank you for reading and viewing!

Colleen Wagstaff

Delaney Principal

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