Dr. Cameron is reading a story to
Mrs. Nunes' Kindergarten class!!
Field trip to Ward's Berry Farm
Mrs. Albertini's and Mrs. Foxx's 1st grade class
Students that are being dropped off or picked up in office during the school day due to unforeseen circumstances...
Please plan to pick up your student at their respective office!
Grades 2 and 3 at the Janelli Annex Office (Mrs. Dumas)
Pre-K, K and 1 Delaney Office (Mrs. Rando, Mrs. Goddard)
Please direct any bus plan requests to the office staff, Mrs. Rando and/or Mrs. Goddard.
Reminder: Bus drivers will not let Kindergarten students off without seeing an adult. Students in grades 1-3 will be allowed off the bus without an adult.

Reminder: Bus drivers will not let Kindergarten students off without seeing an adult. Students in grades 1-3 will be allowed off the bus without an adult.
Bus Safety Issue
If your child misses the bus, under no circumstances should you drive your car behind the bus and attempt to have your children board after running along the side. Children who miss the bus need to be driven to school, please!

Grade 3 MCAS 2017 TENTATIVE schedule
General Window-4/3-5/26/2017
Specific Grade 3 dates are 5/2-5/3-5/16-5/17
General Window-4/3-5/26/2017
Specific Grade 3 dates are 5/2-5/3-5/16-5/17

Head Lice Education
Welcome back! We are looking forward to a productive and enriching new school year.
As you may know, head lice cases have been on the rise. An estimated 6 to 12 million infestations occur each year
in the United States, most commonly among children ages 3 to 11.
We are writing to you to help you learn how to identify lice and provide information on what you can do if lice hit your home.
What are head lice?
Head lice are tiny, wingless insects that live close to the human scalp. They feed on blood. The eggs, also called nits, are tiny, tear-drop shaped eggs that attach to the hair shaft. Nits often appear yellowish or white and can look like dandruff but cannot be removed or brushed off. The nymph, or baby louse, is smaller and grow to adult size in one to two weeks. The adult louse is the size of a sesame seed appears tan to grayish-white. An itchy and inflamed scalp is a common symptom of lice. Although not common, persistent scratching may lead to skin irritation and even infection.
Who is affected by head lice?
Head lice are not related to cleanliness. In fact, head lice often infest people with good hygiene and grooming habits. Infestations can occur at home, school or in the community. Head lice are mostly spread by direct head-to head
contact—for example, during play at home or school, slumber parties, sports activities or camp. Less often, lice are spread via objects that have been in recent contact with a person with head lice, such as hats, scarves, hair ribbons, combs, brushes, stuffed animals or bedding.
What to do if an infestation occurs?
If you think your child has head lice, it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider to discuss the best treatment approach for your family. Resistance to some over-the-counter head lice treatments has been reported, but the prevalence of resistance is not known. There are new prescription treatment options available that are safe and do not require nit combing.
As your school nurses, we want to provide you with the information you need to safeguard your children’s health
and pave the way for a healthy school year. We hope you find this information useful.
Kerry Richardson, BSN, RN, NCSN-Delaney School
Julie Cashman, BSN, RN- Delaney School
Carly-Rae Haughey, BSN, RN- Roderick School
A Note from the office!
If your little cherub is sick for a day or two, there is no need to notify us by phone. You could send an email to the teacher if you'd like.
A Note to Preschool Parents!!!
We have openings in our 2 day Preschool PM class,
Please call the Delaney office for more information
at 508-384-5430
Buckets are located in the cafeteria!
Please send in your box tops! Our school earns "free" money!

We are not collecting plastic bags anymore!
Halloween Hustle
Sunday, October 23rd
Halloween Party!
Friday October 28th
PreK-Grade 1
6:00-8:00 PM
(Parent must attend with child)
Friday October 28th
PreK-Grade 1
6:00-8:00 PM
(Parent must attend with child)
Wrentham Fire Department
Open House
The Wrentham Fire Department is pleased to announce that it will be hosting its annual Fire Prevention Open House at the Public Safety Building, 99 South Street, on Sunday, October 16th, 2016 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon During the Open House we will be providing free blood pressure checks, tours of the station and the fire apparatus. In addition to our scheduled events residents are invited to pick up fire prevention information, TOT Finder decals and other safety related information. Also on display will be our collection of photographs and videos of your fire department in action. Refreshments will also be served. We are expecting a visit from Smokey the Bear and Sparky the Fire Dog. Please come and visit us on this important safety day, rain or shine, on October 16th, 2016. Between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon
The Wrentham Fire Department is pleased to announce that it will be hosting its annual Fire Prevention Open House at the Public Safety Building, 99 South Street, on Sunday, October 16th, 2016 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon During the Open House we will be providing free blood pressure checks, tours of the station and the fire apparatus. In addition to our scheduled events residents are invited to pick up fire prevention information, TOT Finder decals and other safety related information. Also on display will be our collection of photographs and videos of your fire department in action. Refreshments will also be served. We are expecting a visit from Smokey the Bear and Sparky the Fire Dog. Please come and visit us on this important safety day, rain or shine, on October 16th, 2016. Between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon
New Playground
Frequently Asked Questions
What were the major
priorities of the playground committee?
The committee’s goal was to create a space where ALL of the Delaney
students could play together and that the space was inclusive and accessible to
meet the needs of all students. The focus was on enriched play that enhances
recess fun with physical, social, cognitive, and sensory experiences.
Who was on the
playground committee?
The voluntary and open committee was comprised of parents,
teachers, community members, School Committee member, WEST and PTO
representatives, school administrators including superintendent, principal, student
services director, business manager, school nurse, and maintenance director.
How was the decision
made what equipment was purchased?
Many companies sent information and plans. The final two
sent proposals and these were evaluated by the committee and compared and
contrasted until consensus was reached.
How was the
individual equipment chosen?
Equipment was chosen based on the amount available to spend
combined with the ability to have different experiences for students as well as
multiple users.
What were the major
expenses of the project?
The major expenses consisted of equipment purchase,
excavation of the land, sub surface materials, Pour and Play surfacing,
regulated wood chip surfacing, installation of all of the mentioned, Also
included were replacement parts for the existing playground upgrade and new
swing mats.
Why were there so
many fundraisers?
This project required substantial resources that are not a
part of the regular operating school budget.
Why is the new
playground so close to the preschool and original playground?
The layout of the new play space was chosen to minimize
grading and filling and thus saving costs. It also keeps play in one area to
make for better supervision of students.
How are students
reacting to the playground?
The students are excited and happy about being able to play
together and discover new challenges at recess!
October 21st-8:30 am
Vogel Auditorium
MCAS Results
Vogel Auditorium
MCAS Results
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