Friday, January 6, 2017

week 19


Every year, the Wrentham Public Schools’ staff, community members, organizations, and businesses combine forces to help school families in need. This year, families will receive help for the holidays. Mrs. Toni Rando, Delaney School Administrative Assistant, with the assistance of Mrs. Kerry Richardson and Mrs. Julie Cashman Delaney School Nurses and  Ms. Haughey,  Roderick School Nurse, work tirelessly to organize this endeavor. Thank you to these ladies and to all those listed below who helped to make the holidays special for our children.

Lions Club

Meghan Rico Family & Neighbors

Wrentham Developmental Center

Wrentham Cooperative Bank

Wrentham Elementary Staff

The Pond Home

The Holly Club

Anonymous Donors

Our office staff would like to offer their sincere appreciation to everyone for the generous holiday gifts they received! 

Project Blossom
Preschool Information Night
for the 2017-2018 School Year
Tuesday, January 10th 2017
6:00pm – Vogel Auditorium @ Delaney Elementary
*Snow date January 11th

Please come and join us for our annual preschool information night.

We will be sharing exciting news regarding preschool program options for the 2017-18 school year:
We hope to see you there!
PreK Registration:  Thursday, January 12th  9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Kindergarten Information

Kindergarten Alternatives Evening     

Tuesday, April 4, 2017                 6-7 p.m.  Vogel Auditorium

Program alternatives will be explained and K teachers will give an overview about the curriculum and a typical day.

Kindergarten Registration Day

 Thursday, April 6, 2017         9 a.m.-12 p.m.    Vogel Auditorium

Needed to Register:  
·         Proof of residency
·         Birth Certificate
·         Record of last physical and immunizations
·         Enrollment forms

Tuition Assistance is available. Please contact Mrs. Gilbert in the Business Office.
All conversations and documents are confidential. 
Half Day Kindergarten: Free
Full Day Kindergarten: $325 per month

Kindergarten Screening:

Friday May 19, 2017 (by appointment made during registration) 

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Delaney Library Volunteers

Library volunteers are desperately needed to re-shelve books.  The Delaney library is very busy and the book cart gets full very easily. It is so important to have the books back on the shelves as quickly as possible.
Times are flexible and you can stay as little as 20 minutes or more if your schedule allows.  
If you are interested please email me at
You must have a CORI on file to volunteer.

Delaney Drop off Safety

During morning drop off protocol
Please stop only at a cone at the sidewalk.
For safety and traffic pattern reasons please don't drop students prior to getting a cone spot. Many drivers are not mindful and your child is at risk if you let them leave the car outside of the sidewalk markers.
Thank you.

Students and teachers pass between buildings throughout the day. Please be aware and drive cautiously whenever you are in the circle during school hours.

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Inclement Weather Information
Delayed Arrival means:
No Morning Preschool
No Half Day Kindergarten
Full Day Kindergarten-Grade 3 report at time announced on Connect Ed or News media

Please note that buses may be late on their routes if conditions are poor.

Students that are being  dropped off or picked up in the office during  the school day due to unforeseen circumstances...
Please plan to pick up your student at their respective office!

Grades 2 and 3  at the Janelli Annex Office (Mrs. Dumas)

Pre-K, K and 1 Delaney Office (Mrs. Rando, Mrs. Goddard)

Please direct any bus plan requests to the office staff, Mrs. Rando and/or Mrs. Goddard. 


Grade 3 MCAS 2017 schedule  

Grade 3-ELA dates are 4/25, 26, and 27 

Grade 3-MATH dates are 5/16-5/17

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Image result for images of kids who are sick from school

A Note from the office!

If your little cherub is sick for a day or two, there is no need to notify us by phone.  You could send an email to the teacher if you'd like.

Please make sure your children have all the clothing needed for the playground. They need boots when there is snow or mud. They need snow-pants when there is snow on the ground. 

Mittens and hats are necessary in the cold weather! 

Please check the Lost and Found (located in the storage room next to the cafeteria)  
 Any textiles left behind, will be textile recycled
and other items are thrown out!

Read Across Wrentham January 9 - February 12. 
There is a need for parent volunteers.
Please contact the PTO.

Buckets are located in the cafeteria!

Please send in your box tops!  Our school earns "free" money!

We are not collecting plastic bags anymore!

Please donate your non-perishables in any school lobby!
The food pantry is thankful for the generosity of the school community!

Don't miss this event!  
It's a ton of fun for a great cause!
January 28th, 2017, 7pm-midnight.
Showcase Live, Patriot Place, Foxboro.
$50 per ticket.  All proceeds fund educational grants at WPS!

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What is School Committee?

The Wrentham School Committee is responsible for setting Policies for the District and approving the District Budget on an annual basis.  The School Committee is responsible for hiring and supervising the Superintendent of the Wrentham Public Schools.  In private business terms, the School Committee is the Board of Directors of the District and the day-to-day operations of the District are operated by the Superintendent and his Administrative team.  The Committee consists of 5 Members, each elected for staggered 3 year terms in the annual April Town elections.  

Next Meeting:  Tuesday,
January 17, 2017

To view the most recent School Committee 
meeting click on the link:

Open to the Public! 

Thank you for reading and viewing!

Colleen Wagstaff

Delaney Principal

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