Wednesday, June 24, 2015

180 Successful Days!

Dear Delaney Families,

It is hard to believe that we have reached the 180th day of school.  What an exciting and productive year the students have had!  All of our students successfully completed curricula assigned to their grade and navigated the social landscape through attending fantastic school events and by meeting any challenges head on, with the support of their families and teachers.  I am so proud of the personal progress that children made on their educational journey here in Delaney.

I want to thank everyone for their patience as I followed our Core Value of Continuous Growth and Learning. Please know that my central focus was always on what was best for students and what would keep them safe and ready to learn, even if every decision or communication did not go the way that you hoped.

I wish everyone a spectacular summer filled with enjoyable moments with your children! 

I look forward to their arrival on September 1st!



 Summer Fun!
Thank you for reading and viewing.
Colleen Wagstaff





Friday, June 19, 2015

The final days!

Dear Delaney Families,

      We are closing in on the final stretch but you would never know it from the continued emphasis on learning here in the school. Here are some of the highlights:

Principal of the Day! 
Won the WEST auction!

First grade singing Program:  Mrs. Foxx and Mrs. D'Egidio

The students performance was outstanding!  It was apparent that many hours of rehearsal went into the event.

Our Delaney library is still waiting for 28 missing books.  Please try to located them or replace them so children can enjoy these titles next year.
Please remember to pick up your child's medication at the health office unless they are attending a Summer Institute Class.
Move up Day  Wednesday June 24th    NOON DISMISSAL
Summer vacation! Starts at NOON on Wednesday, June 24th.



Friday, June 12, 2015

Dear Delaney Families,

      The school has been bustling with activity this week.  Science projects are arriving in the office each day and we have had several presentations such as the band concert. Field day was a highlight for most! There was a great spirit of encouragement as classmates cheered each other on through the many activities set up by our fantastic physical education staff. Here are some of the highlights:

Half Day Kindergarten practiced getting lunch in the cafeteria!

Grade 3 students attended two special presentations with Helen Keller and
Deborah Samson Gannet, first woman to enlist, fight, and be honorably discharged from American Military. 



Last week's Grade 3 VIP Presentation Photos that missed the blog!


 Presents Flame

performing live,

Thursday, June 11th at 1:00 p.m.

Gibbons Gym

For Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6

Flame, a group of talented musicians from upstate New York who happen to have disabilities, has been capturing the world’s attention for a decade. In 2003, Lexington, an agency in Fulton County, NY that supports people with developmental disabilities, held a talent show from which Flame was born. The band has been changing the world through their music ever since.  Flame has performed at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the House of Blues, in Cleveland, Ohio; had a feature story in People magazine; and a segment on ABC TV’s Good Morning America. They have brought their message of inspiration to people and performances all over the world – Flame has played to audiences from Athens, Greece to all four corners of the continental United States. 

With a generous grant from WEST we are happy to announce that Flame will be performing for Wrentham Elementary students this June for our 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. 

To check out the band please go to:





WEST funded a grant called Have you Heard? Noise may Affect Learning


The big music rollout occurred this week.

The children were really responsive but a bit disappointed when I explained there wouldn’t be any requests! 

A special thank you to our extraordinary cafeteria staff and Mr. Donnelly for making this happen each day!



Several Students participated in the Buzz Off last weekend!
Sadly, Delaney has 47 overdue books. Please try to locate them or replace them before the end of next week.

Don't forget -WPS is on Twitter!

Please join us on Friday, June 19th as we celebrate our final spirit day of the 2014-2015 school year.  Our last spirit day will be dedicated to collecting non-perishable items for the Wrentham Food Pantry.  Food will be collected each day during the week of June 15th


In an effort to show our school spirit, students and staff are encouraged to come to school with crazy hair and/or a crazy or favorite hat. 

We hope you all consider participating in this fun and worthwhile event.

Thank you for reading and viewing!
Colleen Wagstaff
Delaney Principal

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Doesn't feel like June?


Dear Delaney families,
      It has been another busy week here although we are not keen on the weather and there was a full moon! Students are still working hard, such as grade 3 children presenting their Massachusetts history VIP projects and Kindergarten children being assessed in reading with Fountas and Pinnell. I had a chance to visit a preschool class and sing "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" with everyone.  In the spirit of our Core Value of continuous growth and  learning, I will be attending a conference tomorrow on the topic of early literacy. Here are some of the other highlights:


Positive Referrals

This student was mindful and respectful of other children's point of view.
This class used mindful behavior in the hallway and exhibited kindness toward one another.


Grade 3 VIP



Grade 3 Math tessellating multiplication mosaics based on the art of Paul Klee. See if you can find the multiplication facts!



These are the new officers for 2015-2016. Best Wishes to all!

Lindsay  McDonald will be President 
Mrs. Stephanie Canavan and Mrs. Emily Gebhardt will  be Co- Vice Presidents  
Mrs. Shannon Roach will be Secretary
Mrs. Sandie Coombs will be treasurer 
Mrs. Heidi Neipris as the Rewards Coordinator 
Mrs. Mary Beth Medeiros as our Box Top Coordinator






WEST funded a grant called Have you Heard? Noise may Affect Learning

 What:  Classical Music and a chance to earn Disney Music weekly is coming to the Delaney Cafeteria.


·        Delaney students spend over 3000 minutes in the cafeteria each year.

·        Calm and welcoming environment will help children experience more socializing, eat more, leave less plate waste, and improve self-control.
When:  Next Week!

Mrs. Wagstaff will give students an explanation of why this is important and fun! A brief pre and post assessment will be given to see if students and staff notice a difference.


 Presents Flame

performing live,

Thursday, June 11th at 1:00 p.m.

Gibbons Gym

For Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6

Flame, a group of talented musicians from upstate New York who happen to have disabilities, has been capturing the world’s attention for a decade. In 2003, Lexington, an agency in Fulton County, NY that supports people with developmental disabilities, held a talent show from which Flame was born. The band has been changing the world through their music ever since.  Flame has performed at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the House of Blues, in Cleveland, Ohio; had a feature story in People magazine; and a segment on ABC TV’s Good Morning America. They have brought their message of inspiration to people and performances all over the world – Flame has played to audiences from Athens, Greece to all four corners of the continental United States. 

With a generous grant from WEST we are happy to announce that Flame will be performing for Wrentham Elementary students this June for our 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. 

To check out the band please go to:


See you on Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the Gibbons gym!




Principal’s Coffee- June 5,  8:30 am  Vogel, Superintendent Cameron will talk about the budget.


Friday June 12th  Field Day, Rain date Tuesday June 16th.


Thank you for reading and viewing!

Colleen Wagstaff
