Friday, February 27, 2015

A full five days!


Dear Delaney Families,

   We finally made it through a full week of school.  I am sure your children will be tired from their efforts and from the adjustment back to five days! I know there was a tremendous amount of learning and productivity in all of our classrooms.

    Here are some of the highlights!


Kindergarten Alternatives Evening :  Tuesday March 3rd  6p.m.
Vogel Auditorium, Delaney School



Balloons for Mr.Moon   Postponed to week of March 23rd


Non-perishable food items may be placed in the bins in either Delaney Lobby.
The Wrentham Food Pantry appreciates your donation!

Art News from Mrs. Lovely

Art Gallery

Grades K-3 have begun having art class once a week.

Kindergarteners have begun painting and stamping shapes.

Grade one students are designing their own dinosaurs, painting them and cutting them out.

Grade 2 have painted the sky and water and have then drawn their own ducks and dinosaurs to place in the water. 

Grade 3 students are creating geometric designs.  Next, they paint them with water color paints.  Learning to mix paints and control the spread of paint is a fun challenge.



Read Across Wrentham-Extension News
  Now ending March 22nd
Goal Reminder
1gr= 375 mins
2gr=500 mins
3gr=750 mins
Roderick 4-6 850 mins
Grade 3 MCAS Dates fro ELA MCAS
Tuesday March 31st and Wednesday April 1st
Many thanks to our super custodial staff for working tirelessly to keep our roof clear.
Don't forget to check the Lost and Found in the closet off the Delaney cafeteria. Clothing items will be textile recycled. Non-textiles will  be disposed of due to space and health issues.

Family Literacy Night  Monday March 2  Roderick School 5:30-7:30
 Parents may continue to drop off any books they would like to swap  or donate. Place them in the purple lobby bins or bring them Monday night!!
Blog News
The amazing individuals in our technology department discovered many issues surrounding the Email blast that alerts people when the blog is published. I have very confidence that we are on the right track and the alert will work correctly. Please remember that the blog can be accessed from the Delaney Office page on the WPS website in the event the blast malfunctions!
I know who I'm cheering for...
Thank you for reading and viewing!
Colleen Wagstaff
Delaney Principal


Friday, February 13, 2015

Blame it on the groundhog again?


Dear Delaney Families,

    Can we blame it on the Groundhog for a second week? It was yet another fragmented week for our students and their instruction. Our teachers remain resilient with much planning being done to accommodate the changes in the schedule and students are rising to meet the challenge!  Here are some of the highlights!

Positive Referral


This student received a referral for helping a peer be successful at basketball!



A huge thank you to our custodial staff and the Wrentham DPW for getting us back to school as soon as possible.




100's Day with Mrs. Adiletto's Class


Kindergarten Alternatives Evening :  Tuesday March 3rd  6 p.m.

Vogel Auditorium, Delaney School

Thank you to Mrs. Mariotti and Mr. Gillespie for their hard work on our sign project! We are always trying to make the drop off line more fun!

Fundraiser  Saturday February 28th
Rafael's Walpole   7-11PM

Read Across Wrentham
February 9- March 13

PTO Fundraiser
Uno's Restaurant
Wrentham Outlets
February 13th-17th

Uno's will donate up to 20% of your check

Family Literacy Night
Monday March 2nd


Balloons for Mr.Moon  
Postponed to week of March 23rd

Many of my readers may not know that I grew up in Syracuse, NY, which of course is known for it’s snowy winters.  According to my elderly dad who has seen a few winters, he thinks the golden snowball is going to be awarded farther east this year!!  He is a very smart man and for once I hope he is wrong!  



Monday February 16-Friday February 20

Thank you for reading and viewing
Colleen C. Wagstaff

Friday, February 6, 2015

Blame it on the Groundhog!


Dear Delaney Families,

    We have had another challenging week in the weather department but the students are trying to make up the lost time with their learning and projects.  It has been a busy week with many activities. Here are some of the highlights!




Congratulations to Mrs. Kelley who organized this terrific event for our Grade 2 and 3 girls and their special guests.  Mr. Arsenault from the Roderick School was the DJ and the girls kept him busy requesting lots of Taylor Swift and  Meghan Trainor!  There were many line dances with the perennial favorites Chicken Dance, Cotton-Eyed Joe, and Macarena.



Grade 6 Buddies: 


Mrs. Maxwell's Kindergarten met with their buddies from Mrs. Moon's Grade 6 class.  They were making Patriots shirts and graphing player numbers.



The parking lot lanes have been compromised by the amount of snow. Please drive slow and carefully and adhere to the cone scheme to drop off your children. Our goal is to keep everyone safe.

Recess and Winter Clothing


We would love to get the children out for recess. Please make sure your child brings all the appropriate gear such as snow pants, boots, hats, and gloves so they can go onto the playgrounds. Standing on the blacktop is not too fun!


PTO and Box Top LOGO
Box Tops collection February 1- April 30th Contest to the grade who collects the most and the winning grade gets a DJ at lunch!


Read Across Wrentham Feb. 9th-March 13th

Comedy Night Fundraiser
Saturday February 28, 2015  7-11p.m.
Rafael's Walpole, MA

Dancing with the Stars
Balloon Fundraiser for Mr. Moon
Delaney Cafeteria
Feb. 9-13


School Hours are 8:10-2:45
Please respect our community by not dropping your children off earlier than 8:10. We are aware that travel has been difficult in the weather but safety is our main concern and many children are being left unsupervised in our lobbies. The YMCA offers before school care if you need it regularly.
In addition, if you escort a child after start time, and a staff member asks you to sign in and get badge, please be respectful to them. They are following safety protocols and are not trying to make life difficult!

Literacy Night
Monday March 2, 2015
Books needed for the book swap!


The Delaney community is so excited that Wrentham Elementary made the morning news Thursday on the Eyeopener!  Check it out on the Channel 5 website.


Thank you for Reading and Viewing,

Colleen C. Wagstaff
