Dear Delaney families,
Winter has arrived! Although interrupted by the blizzard, it was a week of great learning! We are so
lucky to have the best custodial staff ever. They helped us get back to school in
record time. Wrentham DPW was on top of
all that snow here on the school property, both figuratively and literally! At one point the snow banks in the Delaney
parking lot were 20 feet high!
Here are some of the week’s highlights:
This student received a referral for having great manners, helping others, and always saying hello to staff and peers.
The parking lot lanes have been compromised by the amount of
snow. Please drive slow and carefully and adhere to the cone scheme to drop off
your children. Our goal is to keep everyone safe.
Recess and Winter Clothing
We would love to get the children out for recess. Please
make sure your child brings all the appropriate gear such as snow pants, boots,
hats, and gloves so they can go onto the playgrounds. Standing on the blacktop
is not much fun!
Box Tops collection February 1- April 30th
Contest to the grade who collects the most and the winning grade gets a DJ at
Snow Ball Dance Grades 2 and 3 Friday Jan. 30th 7-9 Delaney Cafeteria
Read Across Wrentham February 2-March 6.
There remains a need for parent volunteers.
Literacy Night:
March 2nd
WEST Grants were given last week. Be on the lookout for many exciting projects in our school.
Comedy Night Friday
February 28, 2015 7-11 Rafael’s in Walpole.
See WEST website for details.
School Council Meeting:
Tuesday February 3, 2015
3:15 Roderick School Office

The EyeOpener assembly was great fun!
The entire school population of over 1000 students did an amazing job with their early Monday morning assignment. With three practice tries they had it down. You can see the video by going to and looking under U Local.
Thank you for reading and viewing.
Colleen C. Wagstaff
Delaney School