There is a chill and much excitement in the air as we head into the last days before Winter arrives! The amount of energy in the Delaney School could power a small town! Students remain committed to their learning and teachers are trying hard to keep the focus. Here are some highlights of the week:
Every year, the Wrentham Public Schools’
staff, community members, organizations, and businesses combine forces to help
school families in need. This year, 28 families will receive help for the
holidays. Mrs. Toni Rando, Delaney School Secretary, with the assistance of
Mrs. Kerry Richardson Delaney School Nurse & Mrs. Julie Cashman Roderick
School Nurse, work tirelessly to organize this endeavor. Thank you to these
ladies and to all those listed below who helped to make the holidays special
for our children.
Lions Club
McCombs Family & Neighbors
Wrentham Developmental Center
Wrentham Cooperative Bank
Wrentham Elementary Staff
Wampum Corner Wine & Spirits
The Pond Home
The Holly Club
Anonymous Donors
Positive Referrals
The following students were recognized this week for their contribution to a better Delaney School. They all demonstrated Core Values for their peers and adults.
This child student included a peer in a soccer game and gave praise.
This student gives a smile and a greeting to adults every singe day.
This student helped a peer adjust to the bus.
This student was respectful with a parent volunteer.
This student is always mindful towards peers and adults.
The PTO is
sending a reminder that a percentage of your purchases at Stop and shop help
our school. Please register your Stop and Shop card using the Delaney ID of
05955. This can be done on the Stop and Shop A+ website.
Please remember that drop off cannot occur prior to 8:10 for safety reasons. There is no adult supervision prior to that time. Although there are adults in the building, they are in meetings or teaching before school and are not available for early arrivals.
Thank you for your continued consideration to our children and staff on this matter.
Here is what we learned during December…
This month’s composer…..Peter Tchaikovsky
Kindergarten: Wow! This month flew by!!! We began the month with a unit on
bells. We learned about how the bells make their sound, and played them in
different ways (fast, slow, loud, soft and shook them high and low). We sang
lots of songs while playing bells like, “Jingle, Bells”, “Little Winter Bell”,
“Jingle Mouse” and “Bell Horses”. We also practiced red and green patterns
using red and green paper cut outs. Green means go and red means stop. We
played these patterns on the bells and with the tambourine. We ended the month
with the ballet, “The Nutcracker” by Peter Tchaikovsky. We learned that a
ballet is a story that uses dancing and music instead of words. We listened and
danced to the music and got to watch the ballet too!
This month’s composer…..Peter Tchaikovsky
First Grade: This month in music we learned about “rests”. A rest is a
silence in music. We made patterns with quarter notes, eighth notes and quarter
rests using flashcards, colored dots and notating them ourselves. We practiced
these rhythms using the rhythm sticks, tambourine and the bells. We got to
experience the feel of a rest while learning the song, “Hot Cross Buns”. Finally, we learned about the Russian
composer, Peter Tchaikovsky. Peter had to work hard to be a great musician; his
parents did not think that a composer was a good enough career. They encouraged
him to go to college to study law instead. Eventually, Tchaikovsky left his law
career and began composing music professionally. We watched the “Nutcracker”
movie and listened and danced to the music. We learned that a ballet is a story
that uses dancing and music instead of words.
Second Grade: This month we focused on rhythm. We learned about using quarter
notes, eighth notes, half notes, dotted half and whole notes. We learned that
each rhythm has a numeric value and we can add them together to make music
math. We composed our own rhythms to play with a partner and played Indian
Chief too. We learned a new symbol
called the repeat sign. It has two dots stacked on top of each other followed
by two vertical lines. This symbol is very important and is seen a lot in
music. It tells the musician to repeat the music again. We used a listening map
for Tchaikovsky’s March and found all the repeat signs. It was a lot of fun
following the map to find all the repeats and different sections of this famous
song. Lastly, we finished the month with watching the ballet, “The Nutcracker”
by Tchaikovsky. It was a really productive month!
Third Grade: The recorders have arrived!! The children have been so excited!
Students are focusing on three things. First is how to hold the recorder.
Students pick up the recorder with their left hand and balance the recorder
with their right hand. Their right hand should be free and wiggly like a
“turkey feather”. We also learned how to play three notes; B, A, and G. It is
tricky at first, but their fingers need to cover the holes completely so air
doesn’t leak out. Leaks make squeaks! We also need to use warm, slow breath
(like fogging a mirror) to avoid squeaks. Cold, fast air (like blowing out
birthday candles) will also make squeaks. Finally, we talked about being
responsible musicians. We agreed that their recorder and recorder folder
belongs in their backpack. It is their responsibility to keep track of their
instrument and music. They will need to bring it to music each week. If they
keep their recorder and folder in their backpack, then they will always be
prepared for music class. Each student was given a helpful hint paper with tips
on how to play the recorder. They are practicing 6 songs, “Hot Cross Buns”,
“Merrily We Roll Along”, “Down by the Station”, “Clair de lune”, “The Big Bass
Drum” and “The Triangle Song”. They should practice 10 minutes every day. The students
and I are very excited to continue with recorders and begin the Recorder Karate
Program after break.

Mrs. Richardson
and Mrs. Scollins have been conducting vision and hearing screening. Please be
sure your child beings his/her eyeglasses to school.
contact your school nurses if your child is in need of a winter coat this
season. A donation of coats has recently been made to the health office.
Geometry in Miss Walsh's Kindergarten
Dr. Ribiero did a lesson about solid shapes!
Please make
sure your children dress for the weather.
motor activities are so important and we attempt to have
recess unless the conditions are extreme.
Lost and Found
Please don't forget to check our Lost and Found in the closet next to the cafeteria labeled with a sign . We will be recycling the textiles over vacation and disposing of anything that cannot remain for sanitary and health reasons.
Happy First Day of Winter on Sunday!
December 24, 2014 through January 4, 2015
Thank you for reading and viewing.
Colleen C. Wagstaff
Principal, Delaney School